5 Steps to a Productive 2024 in the Workplace

  1. BEING OPEN TO CHANGE: ‘Life is short’ is a common phrase. The way I see it, it is the opposite. Life is long, and the world is small. We all have a long time to practice being open with our experiences, thoughts, and actions. If we change our gaze slightly  and focus on the positive and negative outcomes of these variables, we could open up our minds enough to invite change into our lives. Change is always good; even thought we may not like it. 

  2. PRACTICING DAILY GRATITUDE: Studies in behavioral economics and psychology have shown that daily practice of gratitude helps people be happier and more productive. Before going to bed, focus on 3 things every day that you are grateful for. It’s an easy practice that translates directly into lower stress and well-being. 

  3. SET ONE FITNESS GOAL: Set one fitness goal for 2024, whether it’s big or small. Make sure that the type of fitness is something that you enjoy and create ways to keep yourself accountable to attain your goal. Movement is medicine. 

  4. FAIL FAST AND FORWARD: Failure is inevitable for all of us at different times in our lives. It’s unrealistic to think that we will never experience it. The best way to handle failure is to accept  it, embrace it, learn from it, and pivot to a better solution fast. Learning from mistakes quickly and moving forward with new knowledge of preventing a similar mistake in the future makes us stronger and is the stepping stone towards success. 

  5. CONNECT: Human connection to other humans and nature is the one of the most sustainable actions that lead to overall happiness and well-being. Try to spend a little more time building and maintaining relationships with people and nature around you, that bring joy into your life. 

Mahin Arastu

Lead Medical Writer


3 Key Differences between Investigational New Drug (IND) Applications and Clinical Trial Applications (CTA) Regulatory Submissions  


Tables and Figures that Tell a Story